Friends of therfield heath and greens - AGm 2022
These are the unapproved AGM minutes from the July 2022 AGM. They will be formally approved at the 2023 AGM. Attachments and reports are below.
The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens
AGM Wednesday 20 July 2022 Royston Town Hall room 11 7.30pm
Attending committee members
Janet Rossignol-Bubbins (chair)
Ray Munden (Treasurer)
David Bubbins
Ann Smith
Bryony May
Jane Dottridge
Apologies for absence
Sally Marchant
Attending members
Apologies for absence
Carol Stanier, Sir Oliver Heald, April Warburton, Melanie Hill, The Sale Family, Clare Beale, Cheryll Whalley-Wilson, Clare Swarbrick, Pam and Mike Wright.
1. Janet welcomed everyone to the AGM and read out the apologies
2. Janet read out the Chairs report, see attached.
3. Ray gave the Treasurers report, see attached. Paper copies of the expenditure breakdown were handed around as they were not included in the email information pack that had previously been sent to members.
4. Minutes of the AGM 21 July 2021 were approved. Proposed by Janet, seconded by Ann
5. Election of new officers. As there was only one nomination per vacancy there was no need for voting to take place.
Nomination for Chairperson, Holly Christie. Proposed by Janet, seconded by Ann.
Holly Christie elected as the new Chairperson of The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens.
Nomination for Secretary, Ann Smith. Proposed by David Bubbins, seconded by Jane Dottridge.
Ann Smith elected as the new Secretary of The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens.
6. Ray Munden and the other members of the committee are standing again. The members felt that Ray should be formally nominated although it isn’t required in the FOTH constitution.
Nomination for Treasurer Ray Munden. Proposed by Mike Dottridge, seconded by Ruth Brown.
7. Janet, as retiring Chairperson, welcomed Holly and Ann as officers and trustees of The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens.
8. Janet, as retiring Chairperson then gave a short speech on her thoughts for the future. See attached.
9. Any other business
a. Clive Hall, Conservator, read a statement from Cheryll Whalley-Wilson and the other conservators, thanking FOTH for their support of the Conservators and various projects on the Heath and Greens.
b. Janet passed on the thanks given to herself and the Friends committee from many of the members who couldn’t attend.
c. Angela Louch passed on her thanks to Janet for her hard work and vitality that she had given to The Friends.
d. Ruth Brown passed on her thanks for the variety of events and hard work by the FOTH committee.
e. Ray Munden passed on the committees thanks to Janet for being such an inspirational chair.
f. Holly Christie was invited by Janet to say a few words about herself. Holly stated that she works for the SOS children’s charity,has served as secretary for a previous charity and as been a trustee for a Women’s Centre. Holly feels her background in the charity sector will be of benefit to The Friends. However, Holly said she has much to learn about the different aspects of the Heath and is looking forward to gaining this knowledge from working with the other members of the committee.
g. Angela Louch feels that The Friends could further their relationship with Therfield village and suggested that their first approach should be to Therfield Parish council.
h. Ann Smith stated that she will include information about the Greens, written by Clive Hall for the Greens walk, in future editions of the Therfield and Kelshall Magazine. This will provide information about the Greens that newcomers to the village might not know.
i. Ruth Brown suggested developing relationships with Therfield village school and church.
j. Angela Louch asked that the Chapel also be included.
AGM Wednesday 20 July 2022 Royston Town Hall room 11 7.30pm
Attending committee members
Janet Rossignol-Bubbins (chair)
Ray Munden (Treasurer)
David Bubbins
Ann Smith
Bryony May
Jane Dottridge
Apologies for absence
Sally Marchant
Attending members
Apologies for absence
Carol Stanier, Sir Oliver Heald, April Warburton, Melanie Hill, The Sale Family, Clare Beale, Cheryll Whalley-Wilson, Clare Swarbrick, Pam and Mike Wright.
1. Janet welcomed everyone to the AGM and read out the apologies
2. Janet read out the Chairs report, see attached.
3. Ray gave the Treasurers report, see attached. Paper copies of the expenditure breakdown were handed around as they were not included in the email information pack that had previously been sent to members.
4. Minutes of the AGM 21 July 2021 were approved. Proposed by Janet, seconded by Ann
5. Election of new officers. As there was only one nomination per vacancy there was no need for voting to take place.
Nomination for Chairperson, Holly Christie. Proposed by Janet, seconded by Ann.
Holly Christie elected as the new Chairperson of The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens.
Nomination for Secretary, Ann Smith. Proposed by David Bubbins, seconded by Jane Dottridge.
Ann Smith elected as the new Secretary of The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens.
6. Ray Munden and the other members of the committee are standing again. The members felt that Ray should be formally nominated although it isn’t required in the FOTH constitution.
Nomination for Treasurer Ray Munden. Proposed by Mike Dottridge, seconded by Ruth Brown.
7. Janet, as retiring Chairperson, welcomed Holly and Ann as officers and trustees of The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens.
8. Janet, as retiring Chairperson then gave a short speech on her thoughts for the future. See attached.
9. Any other business
a. Clive Hall, Conservator, read a statement from Cheryll Whalley-Wilson and the other conservators, thanking FOTH for their support of the Conservators and various projects on the Heath and Greens.
b. Janet passed on the thanks given to herself and the Friends committee from many of the members who couldn’t attend.
c. Angela Louch passed on her thanks to Janet for her hard work and vitality that she had given to The Friends.
d. Ruth Brown passed on her thanks for the variety of events and hard work by the FOTH committee.
e. Ray Munden passed on the committees thanks to Janet for being such an inspirational chair.
f. Holly Christie was invited by Janet to say a few words about herself. Holly stated that she works for the SOS children’s charity,has served as secretary for a previous charity and as been a trustee for a Women’s Centre. Holly feels her background in the charity sector will be of benefit to The Friends. However, Holly said she has much to learn about the different aspects of the Heath and is looking forward to gaining this knowledge from working with the other members of the committee.
g. Angela Louch feels that The Friends could further their relationship with Therfield village and suggested that their first approach should be to Therfield Parish council.
h. Ann Smith stated that she will include information about the Greens, written by Clive Hall for the Greens walk, in future editions of the Therfield and Kelshall Magazine. This will provide information about the Greens that newcomers to the village might not know.
i. Ruth Brown suggested developing relationships with Therfield village school and church.
j. Angela Louch asked that the Chapel also be included.
Treasurer’s report for the year 2021-22
The finances are very healthy with a balance of just over £6500. Our biggest single ex0endituure was around £350 for the provision and fitting of a new bench on Sun Hill Common. The balance, however, includes around £700, however, has been assigned to paying for 3 new trees to be planted on the Heath which were ordered as part of the Queens Jubilee celebrations. Having successfully registered for Gift Aid status there will be benefits to our income in future years as the tax involved is reclaimed from the HMRC. I would encourage any members who haven’t already registered with FOTH for Gift Aid to do so. It can be back dated to the 1st July 2021 and the form is available on our web site.
I would like to draw attention to the almost £1000 raised through events on the Heath. This has been achieved through the imagination and hard work of committee members which, while raising important funds for the improvement of the Heath, has also provided some entertaining and informative events for both members and non-members, with some of the latter subsequently joining FOTH.
Income £
Membership and donations 1654.00
Events 426.00
Other income (Amazon voucher) 200.00
Miscellaneous income 6.38
Profit for year 2086.14
Balance brought forward 3136.92
Cash balance 5205.06
Balance in treasurers a/c at 01.07.2020 3213.12
Balance in PayPal a/c at 01.07.2020 1799.70
Amazon voucher remaining 144.24
Cash float 48.00
Total 5205.06
Herts and Essex Bat Group 40.00
Membership software (Membermojo) licence fee 40.00
Stationery including stamps 32.50
Collapsible table 9.00
Litter pickers 55.76
PayPal fees 40.98
The finances are very healthy with a balance of just over £6500. Our biggest single ex0endituure was around £350 for the provision and fitting of a new bench on Sun Hill Common. The balance, however, includes around £700, however, has been assigned to paying for 3 new trees to be planted on the Heath which were ordered as part of the Queens Jubilee celebrations. Having successfully registered for Gift Aid status there will be benefits to our income in future years as the tax involved is reclaimed from the HMRC. I would encourage any members who haven’t already registered with FOTH for Gift Aid to do so. It can be back dated to the 1st July 2021 and the form is available on our web site.
I would like to draw attention to the almost £1000 raised through events on the Heath. This has been achieved through the imagination and hard work of committee members which, while raising important funds for the improvement of the Heath, has also provided some entertaining and informative events for both members and non-members, with some of the latter subsequently joining FOTH.
Income £
Membership and donations 1654.00
Events 426.00
Other income (Amazon voucher) 200.00
Miscellaneous income 6.38
Profit for year 2086.14
Balance brought forward 3136.92
Cash balance 5205.06
Balance in treasurers a/c at 01.07.2020 3213.12
Balance in PayPal a/c at 01.07.2020 1799.70
Amazon voucher remaining 144.24
Cash float 48.00
Total 5205.06
Herts and Essex Bat Group 40.00
Membership software (Membermojo) licence fee 40.00
Stationery including stamps 32.50
Collapsible table 9.00
Litter pickers 55.76
PayPal fees 40.98
Janet (chairman)'s retiring thoughts
Well Ladies and Gentlemen , fellow friends
I didn’t intend to be involved with the committee of The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens. But here I am stepping down after 3 years as Chair.
I have to thank all the committee members past and present for all their hard work to deliver our varied programme and all those other individuals who give their time for walks talks litter picks etc.
I have enjoyed your company and hope to continue as an ordinary committee member, as I still have lots of ideas. However I also need time to do some other things as I am not getting any younger and hopefully will have my third grand child by Christmas. Ann and I are busy doing research to produce a book about Therfield Heath and Greens too ! Watch this space!
I was reading The RSPB ‘s magazine and there was an article by Simon Barnes ”Think little to make a big difference.” He says “People look at a place they love and say to each other "Somebody ought to do something about this”, then they realise "Oh Goodness it’s us, isn’t it?" He says if we each do one little thing at a time we get least give ourselves a chance.
That applies to me and I hope to you too.
Therfield Heath is such an amazing local and National asset, I hope we as the friends can continue to make a difference, so it will still be there for the generations to come.
Well Ladies and Gentlemen , fellow friends
I didn’t intend to be involved with the committee of The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens. But here I am stepping down after 3 years as Chair.
I have to thank all the committee members past and present for all their hard work to deliver our varied programme and all those other individuals who give their time for walks talks litter picks etc.
I have enjoyed your company and hope to continue as an ordinary committee member, as I still have lots of ideas. However I also need time to do some other things as I am not getting any younger and hopefully will have my third grand child by Christmas. Ann and I are busy doing research to produce a book about Therfield Heath and Greens too ! Watch this space!
I was reading The RSPB ‘s magazine and there was an article by Simon Barnes ”Think little to make a big difference.” He says “People look at a place they love and say to each other "Somebody ought to do something about this”, then they realise "Oh Goodness it’s us, isn’t it?" He says if we each do one little thing at a time we get least give ourselves a chance.
That applies to me and I hope to you too.
Therfield Heath is such an amazing local and National asset, I hope we as the friends can continue to make a difference, so it will still be there for the generations to come.