We welcome donations to enable us to do more for Therfield Heath. We can accept donations by the following methods. If you do donate, please contact us by email or with our contact form to let us know you have donated so we can account for it appropriately.
PayPal to friendsoftherfieldheath @ gmail.com (remove the spaces) or use the QR code from your PayPal app. Please select ‘friends and family’ so we don’t get charged for your donation.
Bank transfer to Friends of Therfield Heath & Greens, account number 57967668, sort code 30-99-50
Cheque payable to Friends of Therfield Heath and given to any committee member, or email us or use our contact form to ask for the current address to send it to.
Cash given to any committee member, please email us or use our contact form to let us know how much you have given and when.
PayPal to friendsoftherfieldheath @ gmail.com (remove the spaces) or use the QR code from your PayPal app. Please select ‘friends and family’ so we don’t get charged for your donation.
Bank transfer to Friends of Therfield Heath & Greens, account number 57967668, sort code 30-99-50
Cheque payable to Friends of Therfield Heath and given to any committee member, or email us or use our contact form to ask for the current address to send it to.
Cash given to any committee member, please email us or use our contact form to let us know how much you have given and when.