Maps of therfield heath and greens
Please scroll down to see maps of the Therfield Heath and Greens area. We are hoping to add more information soon.
Therfield Heath and Greens
This map has been specially created for us to show visitors what is where. It's drawn from the perspective of when you drive or walk into the car park for easy locating.
Original concept by Ann Smith. Designed by Nicky Paton,
Map of litter and dog poo bins
There are 18 red bins for the disposal of dog poo on the Heath. We encourage dog owners to use them. Dog poo left lying on the ground takes longer to breakdown than people suppose, making it unpleasant and unhygienic to walk on. Dog poo also alters the pH of the ground which can effect the plant life growing in the area.
The general rubbish bins have been removed. Removing the waste bins for a trial period resulted in hardly any rubbish being left behind by people. Those bins have now been removed permanently. Please remember to take your rubbish home home with you.
Some of the bins remaining on the heath are owned by the Golf Club and some by McDonalds.
The general rubbish bins have been removed. Removing the waste bins for a trial period resulted in hardly any rubbish being left behind by people. Those bins have now been removed permanently. Please remember to take your rubbish home home with you.
Some of the bins remaining on the heath are owned by the Golf Club and some by McDonalds.